
I found this recipe on Pinterest and immediately tried it. My little one likes her new “special cereal bar” and her daddy loves them even more! They’re super simple and only take 5-10 mins to make, and there must be a ton of variations that can be tried, so let me know if you try any tweaks! The recipe below made 8 thin wedges in a cake tin, so maybe double the mixture for thick wedges or for twice the amount.)


1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup peanut butter (I used 100% peanuts)
1 and 1/2 cup traditional oats


  • In a pan, heat the honey and peanut butter until it melts
  • Once melted, stir in the oats and mix until they are fully coated
  • Press the mixture into a tin (I used a standard round cake tin)
  • Leave overnight to set (I left mine in the fridge)


Go to the “Grown-Ups Decide” page for variations that aren’t as suitable for babies and toddlers. If you try any other variations though, please do email me so I can add them to the page!

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